In this day and age there are many new learning opportunities that didn’t exist a generation ago! With tablets now being accessible to so many children, parents are faced with the question; what learning apps do I give my kids?

We’ll break them down into 2 different categories, and then give you our top picks in each category: free, and paid. All of these apps are available for both iOS based iPads, and Android based tablets such the Kindle Fire tablets.

Best Free Learning Apps for Kids

PBS Kids

PBS Kids has got to be the most popular set of apps for kids; and for good reason! They make great content, that kids really enjoy and will likely be familiar with from their TV shows.

Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy is a great non-profit organization that makes apps for kids. Next to PBS Kids, we think this is essentials for every child with a tablet!

Khan Academy Kids App


The i-Ready app is used by many schools, and as such may be free for your child, even during the summer!

Best Paid Learning Apps for Kids

ABC Mouse

If you’ve watched PBS Kids TV channel, you’ve undoubtedly seen the ads for ABC Mouse, which is a sponsor of PBS Kids. ABC Mouse is a great learning app for kids, but you have to make sure that you set up your child under the appropriate lesson group for their age, in order to get the best learning value out of it.

Adapted Mind

This is especially great for math, and some reading, but doesn’t currently have as much content for other areas. We’ve seen kids get so excited to play this because of the fun characters they have which kids can earn.

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