There are two ways to get an Ultimate Pet in Prodigy. In order to get an Ultimate Pet on Prodigy you need to be an Ultimate Member, and then either get the Ultimate Membership box, or complete a goal set by your parent.

Prodigy Membership Levels
Prodigy has three different plan levels: Prodigy Basic (Free), Prodigy Level Up ($9.95), and Prodigy Ultimate ($14.95). In order to get an Ultimate Pet, you need need to have the highest level, which is “Prodigy Ultimate”.
Why would you want a Prodigy Ultimate membership? The Prodigy Ultimate membership has two main types benefits over the “Level Up” membership:
Benefits for Kids:
- 1 exclusive Ultimate item reward per season.
- 1 exclusive Ultimate pet reward per season.
Benefits for Parents:
- Parents can set challenging goals for their child and choose from over 40 exciting in-game rewards.
- Parents can give their child access to Focus Mode tool that enables your child to answer more questions at home.
Ultimate Membership Box
To earn an Ultimate Pet, first you need to get a Prodigy Ultimate Membership. After your parent has purchased a Prodigy Ultimate Membership, the first way to get an Ultimate Pet is to open your Ultimate Membership Box. This should should automatically show up in your inbox after you become an Ultimate Member.
Prodigy Ultimate Pet with Goals
After your parent has paid for an Ultimate Membership, then you’ll need to ask your parent to set up a goal for you, so that you can earn your Pet.
- As your parent to go to their parent dashboard:
- Then ask them to where it says “Goal”.
- Then scroll down until you see “Pet”.
- Select the pet (in our case, in the screenshot below, that’s the pet “Mysty”.
- Select what goal is (in the screenshot below we’ve selected “30 correct answers” as the goal).
- Then play and try to achieve the goal!
In the screenshot below you can see the parent dashboard

More Goals
After you achieve that goal, your parent can set up other goals, so you can earn other rewards. The available prizes include lots of things like clothing or weapons for your character.
Only one goal can be set at a time, so you’ll need to complete your first goal before you parent can set another one.
Happy playing and learning! We’d love to hear from you. If this was helpful, or if you have more questions, please drop us a comment below.
If you’re looking for information about how to get other Prodigy pets, we’ve got another article about how to get Prodigy Mythical Epics.
[…] We hope that was helpful! If you want to say thanks, please drop us a comment below. If you’re interested in other Prodigy topics, we’ve got an article about how to get Prodigy Ultimate Pets. […]